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Abbey Ellerglick

Artist Statements

SMOKING - When creating this piece I pretty much went into it blindly. I wanted to let my creativity flow and see what I created. I chose colors that I ordinarily wouldn’t put together and experimented with rough pen strokes. I made her skin tone blue to experiment with what mood it would create. I tried to give the woman’s eyes a glazed over look, showing the idea that she is gazing into somewhere far away. For me, this piece is up for the interpretation of the viewer. There could be many different stories about the woman in the frame, smoking her cigarette. 


EYE x4 - Making this piece took me somewhat out of my comfort zone because I don’t typically work with oil pastels. This was my first time using them for a project, but I like how it turned out and I hope to learn some more skills using this medium. I found an old window in my garage and that’s what ultimately gave me the idea to make four separate drawings and connect them together in the window frame. I chose four different colors for the eyes that I felt complimented each other. The eyes in the frame all face different directions, and I did this to give it a more abstract and different feel.


MOMMA DAY - I made this piece for my mom for mother’s day. It is based on a photo of us that we took in Boston. In the photo we have matching hats and you can see our blue eyes well in the light, and I thought it would be a good image to recreate. The color and texture of the background is based off of these flowers that we both love, called flocks. 


Abbey Ellerglick is currently a sophomore. She spends her time creating and playing music (guitar, piano, and vocals) and also enjoys doing art. She is passionate about social justice and works to incorporate this into her songs and artistic pieces. Along with making music on her own she frequently collaborates with her friends Maya and Zina who are like sisters to her, because they’ve known each other since birth. Together the three make music about issues they feel strongly about such as the climate crisis and issues people are facing, specifically the times we are living in right now. One of their newest songs, words written by Maya Parker and melody written by Abbey Ellerglick, quotes, “Only when we’re sick and dying; Skies clear so does the water; A virus clouds our lungs; And the earth can breathe again.” When working in fine art Abbey specifically enjoys painting and sketching portraits. She is fascinated by people's expressions and likes to focus on eyes. She does many paintings solely of eyes and capturing expressions and moods. Some of her pieces are up close eyes, and she tries to capture their depth. 

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