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Karlis Povisils

Artist Statement

This is the beginning of my overarching project: the Talisman Gothamscape Expansion. Talisman is a quest game where players have to get to the center of the board to get the Crown of Command and encounter treasure, enemies, and strangers by landing on spaces and drawing from the encounter deck. This game was made by Games Workshop. I love this game and its various expansions, which add more adventure cards and regions. My overarching project is to make one based off of the DC universe. The reason to go there is to gain strength and craft by simply arresting bad guys and gain companions easily. Next year, I will make the board, cards and rule book.


Karlis Povisils loves to do passion projects involving his favorite media such as ones involving video games, TV shows, and board games. He also loves making pictures of himself. With popular media, he puts extra effort. 

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